Dieses Jahr habe ich mich dazu entschieden, dass ich bei der 52 books in 52 Weeks mitmachen möchte. Die Themen der einzelnen 52 Bücher sind vorgegeben, jedes Buch zählt nur zu einem Thema. Da es eine Challenge aus Amerika oder England ist, werde ich die Grenzen etwas verschieben müssen. Beispielsweise werde ich bei Nummer 21 schauen, dass das Originalbuch bei diesem Verlag veröffentlicht wurde, werde aber trotzdem die Deutsche Version lesen. Ausserdem werde ich teilweise meine Lesekomfortzone verlassen müssen – denn dafür ist die Challenge ja auch teilweise gedacht. Alle weiteren Infos zu dieser Challenge findet ihr hier. Bei den sogenannten „Prompts“ die erfüllt wurden, werde ich das Buchcover unten dran einfügen.
#1 – A second person narrative
#2 – Featuring a library or bookstore
# 3 – A title starting with the letter „E“
#4 – A title starting with the letter „F“
#5 – Chapters have titles
#6 – Household object on the cover
#7 – A non-fiction bestseller
#8 – Involving the art world
#9 – A book that sparks joy
#10 – A book based on a real person
#11 – A book with less than 2022 Goodreads ratings
#12 – Set on at least two continents
#13 – Includes a club
#14 – A character with superhuman ability
#15 – A five syllable title
#16 – A book you’ve seen someone read in a public place
#17 – Picked based on its spine
#18 – Jane Austen inspired
#19 – A book that has an alternate title
#20 – Related to the word „gold“
#21 – Published by Simon & Schuster
#22 – An unlikely detective
#23 – Author with an X, Y, or Z in their name
#24 – Addresses a specific topic
#25 – A wealthy character
#26 – Has an “Author’s Note”
#27 – Includes a map
#28 – Award-winning from your country
#29 – Over 500 pages long
#30 – Audiobook is narrated by the author
#31 – Technology-themed
#32 – A book that intimidates you
#33 – A bilingual character
#34 – An author’s photo on the back cover
#35 – From the villain’s perspective
#36 – Recommended by a favorite author
#37 – Set in a rural area
#38 – Don’t judge a book by its cover!
#39 – A middle-grade novel
#40 – A book with photographs inside
#41 – Involves a second chance
#42 – An indie read
#43 – Author who’s published in more than one genre
#44 – An anthology
#45 – A book with illustrated people on the cover
#46 – A job title in the title
#47 – Read during the month of November
#48 – Redo one of this year’s prompts, but with a different genre
#49 – Book title starts with the same letter as your first name